While the inclusive government is still not formed, ZANU-PF continues to make crucial appointments and has appointed party loyalist Johannes Tomana as attorney general. 尽管这个有各党派参加的政府还没有组成,但是,非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线仍不断任命一些重要官职人选,并已经任命效忠该党的托马那担任司法部长。
Also we have professional computer talents and communicate with Chinese taxation, public finance, industrial& commercial government department and field of accountant and attorney by internet. 同时,我们已配备了专业计算机人才,通过网络与我国的税务、财政、工商等政府部门及会计界、律师界进行沟通。
"Free speech is not an excuse to discriminate when government action or funding is involved," said plaintiff attorney Morton Sklar. 他还说:当涉及政府行为或资助时,言论将不能成为歧视的借口。
Working for the government as a prosecutor is different from working as a defense attorney. 这要看你给谁干,如果给政府工作,做检察官,那收入与做辩护律师就不一样。